Up to 30% Extra Discount

Save big and earn perks with the JCPenney Rewards program, the ultimate way to shop smarter and feel good about every purchase. Joining is easy—just create an online account, and you’ll automatically start earning one point for every $2 spent. Rack up rewards faster with bonus opportunities like 25 extra points for completing their skincare quiz.

Once you hit 200 points, redeem them for a $10 reward coupon that can be stacked with sale prices, free shipping, and other offers to maximize your savings. Plus, enjoy exclusive perks like a special birthday gift and access to members-only sales and events. Whether you’re updating your home décor, shopping for wardrobe essentials, or treating yourself to a salon day, JCPenney Rewards makes it easy to save. Sign up today and start earning rewards while shopping your favorites!

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