They’re Back! Michaels $10 Grab Bags (Will Sell Out)

Michaels grab bags have returned yet again!

A pile of Michael's Grab Bag Boxes

Grab bags have always been extremely popular with Michaels’ customers. And for a limited time, the next round of much anticipated Grab Bags are available for $10 each – available in-store only!

If you’ve had your eye on a few Halloween or Christmas items but didn’t get to grab them, this might possibly be your chance to score them… and at a steal!

Hip Tip: Before you make a special trip, call your local Michaels store and ask if your location has these bargain bags or boxes in stock as availability and inventory can vary by region and store.

2 Michael's Grab Bag Boxes in the store

While it can be hard to guess what’s in these surprise Michaels boxes, you can sometimes glean a hint from the size or weight of the box, and what may happen to be sticking out. They are usually full of seasonal decor, crafting supplies, kids’ activity books, puzzles, games, ribbon, tissue paper, Mylar balloons, tote bags, and much more!

The contents of a Michael's Grab Bag Box on a table

Here’s what some of our readers scored in previous Grab Bags/Boxes…

I just bought 2 boxes at one store, and 1 box at another store, they were all wonderful!! I got 10 bundles of garland, 3 boxes of lights, paper, gift bags and scentcicles!!! Love them!!!

Y’all I got some amazing ones! One of them had over $280 in ribbon!! Other items included whimsical Christmas signs, garland, window decals, baking stuff. So fun!!

I grabbed two of these for the first time every yesterday and was very happy with both – one had a lot of the kids crafts, which I know my nieces and nephews will love. The second one had Christmas decor and craft kits, plus a lot of ribbon, which I was very pleased with!

Some readers have reported AWESOME bags filled with merchandise totaling hundreds of dollars! Let us know in the comments what you got in your grab box! Good luck!

Hip Tip: If your bag or box is full of items you don’t like and don’t want to regift or donate, try selling them via Facebook Marketplace or OfferUp. You’ll likely earn back more than what you spent!

Check out our latest crafts & DIY projects!

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