Trying Hello Fresh Family Meal Delivery
Friend after friend has tried Hello Fresh family meals delivered to their front door.
I have three friends in particular who have mentioned that they’re actively subscribing to the Hellofresh family plan and have given me their Hello Fresh reviews.
And what’s nuts is that these three friends have almost nothing in common.
What’s even more crazy is that right now you can get Hello Fresh FREE MEALS! Keep reading …
Hello Fresh Reviews from Friends:
Friend #1: 45 and 44-year-old empty nesters, but demanding jobs cooking dinner for two.
They love to eat out at restaurants but recognize that when they dine out, they overeat and splurge on calories. Plus, my friend doesn’t love cooking and has never been a “good cook” as she calls herself, so making the Hello Fresh family fresh meals has given her a sense of accomplishment in the home.
She came across the 18 Hello Fresh Free Meals offer here (Hello Fresh free meals coupon code: HELLOFRESH18) and couldn’t turn it down.
She has raved about the Hello Fresh meal plans popular family meal delivery service for a few years and urged me to try it out early in its popularity.
I resisted (more on that later) She loves the fact that she can upgrade the meals so that they can enjoy steak once or twice a week, but also eat smart with the calorie smart dinner choices.
And, bless her heart – she loves that the meals look like the food in the picture on the recipe card when dinner is ready. She has said time and time again that they look fancy and she loves that she did it herself.
Friend #2: Late thirties couple with a ten-year-old daughter and eight-year-old son.
Again, these friends both have really demanding jobs and found themselves eating Costco prepared meals every night, and takeout a few nights a week as well.
This friend loves that she and her husband, and even the kids will join in on making the Hellofresh family meals together. And, we know that having kids help out in the kitchen makes them much more willing to try new foods – check out this article on why cooking kits for kids and kids helping cook makes a difference.
She admits that the kids don’t always love their dinner from every HelloFresh menu, but she loves that she gets time with her family and a good, healthy meal on the table a few nights a week.
Friend #3: Family of five, husband travels four nights a week and her job is very demanding.
14-year-old daughter, twelve-year-old son and five-year-old daughter. The family is for sure the most spread out in age, but has the best palettes as far as taste goes.
I am amazed at what their kids will eat – compared to most kids their age. This is outstanding because their kids are so spread out in age – rarely will a 5-year-old be content with a 14-year-olds dinner choice, but HelloFresh must be just that good!
Or, Hello Fresh has made it fun to try new things…. My friend loves HelloFresh meals because of the bond that it makes for she and their 14-year-old daughter.
My friend lets her daughter pick the menu items from HelloFresh and her daughter even makes the HelloFresh meals… Yep! How cool is that??? This teaches the 14-year-old how to cook and how to be independent all in one. Bonus: Dinner is made!
Whether you resonate with my friends described above, or you’re in a league of your own, here is how to get signed up for this full-of-taste, yet kid-friendly meal delivery service:
Trying Hello Fresh for the first time (My First Box!):
I imagine you’re wondering with all of these glowing Hello Fresh reviews why I haven’t tried Hello Fresh family meal plans yet …. the ultimate reason is that I really do enjoy making new recipes and new dinners and seeing my family’s eyes light up when I’ve come up with the best way to make a casserole, goulash, side salad or soup.
In reality though – I have been running myself ragged trying to always make new meals, and try new dinners. And, if there’s help (and a Hello Fresh free trial) why shouldn’t I take advantage??
Plus, I know that I have several readers that spend lots of time on the internet looking for new recipe ideas, so if Hello Fresh family recipes appeal to them, I want to give it an honest review and try it out for myself.
So, that’s exactly what I did! When Hello Fresh 14 free meals promo came out, I hopped on the opportunity to try it out for less — so glad I did, too!
How to order Your 1st Box of HelloFresh Family Box:
- Sign in to Hello Fresh here (especially if you want the discount)
- Choose your menu preferences
- Enter promo code HELLOFRESH18
- Select how many people you are cooking for
- How many Hello Fresh recipes do you want to make per week?
Once you create your Hello Fresh username, the rest will be smooth sailing from there. I took screenshots as I was going through the HelloFresh signup to get our family meals delivered.
It’s as simple as 1-2-3. You can see the steps for ordering Hello Fresh for two people below.
1. Personalize your Hello Fresh plan:
For my first order I decided to go with a calorie smart menu for two people because I wanted our first try of the meal delivery service to be just my husband and I. Since we’re trying to eat low calorie, I figured this is the perfect way to try out Hello Fresh, get the kids noticing some new foods and see if the family fresh meals could work for all of us.
Plus, I have been wanting to get our ten-year-old daughter more involved in the kitchen, so this seemed like the perfect way: making dinner for mom and dad, with no knives involved. 🙂
2.Choose your meal delivery day of the week:
I ended up changing my delivery day to Monday as that gave me fresh items for dinners for the week. On the weekends, I find that I don’t cook sit-down dinners. It’s more pizza, sandwiches, burgers, etc.
You’ll notice my initial five free meals plus free shipping that you get as a new customer in the screenshot below. That makes eight meals just $35.89 shipped to my front door!
3.Choose Payment
4. Change meals in your Hello Fresh Menu (if you wish)
The first image is what was chosen for me and the second image is what I ended up deciding on.
To change out the meals on Hello Fresh you simply press the minus sign to take out a meal and choose the plus sign to add in a different meal.
The Hello Fresh meal delivery process was so much easier than I thought it would be!
Those One-Pan Portabella & Poblano Fajitas are screaming my name! I also love that during the Hellofresh meal selection process, each meal has labels on them. You can see the labels on my meal choices above.
5. Skip upcoming weeks (if you wish)
As you can see, skipping a week of Hello Fresh is super easy. I can’t wait to try out our first Hello Fresh meal delivery! I am actually excited for the entire family! Now … it’s time for where the rubber hits the road … what do I think??
My Hello Fresh Review & First Time Preparing a Meal with Hello Fresh:
Ok … I am 100% blown away at Hello Fresh. I am floored. I didn’t expect to love it, and as I said above – I enjoy cooking. I started by taking everything out of the Hello Fresh Box.
It was packed really nicely.
One bag for each recipe and two packages of meat – one chicken, and one beef. I decided to start with the recipe that said it took the longest to prepare in an effort to see how annoying it would be. It was a) NOT annoying and b) it smelled – and ultimately TASTED FANTASTIC!
Here are a few pictures of the process – it took me exactly one hour from opening the bag of ingredients until my kitchen was picked up and all dishes were hand washed. OK – THAT in itself is amazing!
Just keepin’ it real …. after I was finished cooking this was my mess. That’s not much of a mess if you ask me! It helps that since everything is preportioned there weren’t leftover ingredients everywhere to have to put away!
Finished product:
Even the kids were raving about how good this meal smelled while it was cooking! And, as a HUGE bonus, we got four dinners out of this meal! I usually add a lettuce salad to dinners, so that gave us plenty of food!
Is Hello Fresh Right For Your Family?
If you can get 14 free HelloFresh meals plus free shipping like they’re offering right now here then I say it’s 100% worth atleast giving the Hellofresh family box meals a try.
For three calorie smart meals for two people I ended at $35, which is a great price, considering that everything will come prepped and ready to throw together saving me time looking for recipes, time at the grocery store, and time in the kitchen cutting, dicing and measuring all of the ingredients.
For me, that’s the worst part of cooking dinner!
Now let’s talk the most frequently asked questions. How does this all really come together?
How hard is it to skip a week of Hello Fresh?
If you’re wondering how hard it is to skip a week of Hello Fresh – it is not hard at all! Follow these steps:
1. Sign in to your Hello Fresh account
2. Click on the week that you want to skip for your family meal boxes
3. Press edit delivery
4. Press skip this week
Look at the images above.
It really is so simple to cancel a week, or two, or even three weeks. Or, you can cancel your membership all together if you wish!
Do you get free meals with HelloFresh?
Yes! You get Hello Fresh free meals when you redeem a special offer like the one I am offering here (use coupon code HELLOFRESH18 here)
Can Hello Fresh feed a family of six?
To feed a family of six on Hello Fresh simply make two deliveries.
Do one for four people and one for two.
Can I do HelloFresh for one person?
You can do Hello Fesh for 1 person, but you’ll have a leftover meal.
I highly recommend choosing three meals for the week and that way you would have six dinners, or a combo of six dinners and lunches.
This is a great way to have healthy, quick and filling meals for one person!
What do you get with a HelloFresh purchase subscription?
With your Hello Fresh subscription, you will get a box delivered to your front door that has everything portioned out and ready to prepare.
It is important to note that Hello Fresh recipes are not oven-ready.
Rather, they are prep ready. Everything will be portioned out and ready to cut, mix together and then cook.
Are Hellofresh meal kits worth the money?
When you can get free meals in your Hello Fresh delivery they are worth the money.
Another time the Hello Fresh meals are worth the money is when you’re busy and want the groceries delivered to your front door.
The third reason that Hello Fresh might be a benefit is when you’re burnt out of coming up with meal ideas (that’s me right now!) and nothing sounds good.
Just a little dinnertime inspiration can go a long ways for us moms!
Are there Hello Fresh Vegetarian Meals? Yes, yes, yes! Hellofresh vegetarian meals are awesome, too! I can’t wait to try our two vegetarian meals in my first Hello Fresh meal delivery!
I would’ve never put those on my menu but I am thrilled to try them out from Hello Fresh!