Give your kiddo a new Toniebox!
For a limited time, dash over to Amazon where they are offering Toniebox Audio Player Starter Sets for just $69.99 shipped (regularly $99.99)!
Plus we spotted buy 1, get 1 25% off Tonies audio character figurines, including Disney and Marvel characters on!
Your kiddos will love having their own Toniebox…
Get a new Tonies character with this Target deal:
The Toniebox delivers approximately 60 minutes of story time, including educational content, audiobooks, and sing-along songs with a variety of fun character figurines!
Check out these reviews…
These boxes are amazing! I thought my kids would have grown out of them by now, but even at 9 and 12 they still listen to them at night. We bought 2 of them before they were popular (probably 3-4 years ago) and they’re still going strong. – Hip reader, Ashley
As a former first-grade teacher I know the importance of helping children in this busy world take the time to truly learn to “listen.” These little Tonies help them do just that! Parents are busy too and don’t always have the time to read to their children, and these little Tonies solve the problem with no distractions. Children are using their listening skills.
Parents can further help their children by listening to the stories with them from time to time and then asking the children to help them draw pictures of some of the scenes or to tell the story back in their own words. Challenge them to see how many things they can remember in the story or ask them fun questions about the stories. Before you listen to another story together you can tell them you’ll create a large mural together or act out some of the story together. This will get them to listen for a purpose and to listen for details.
Eventually, as they continue to listen on their own to the little Tonies, they’ll begin to pick up on even more details and learn to take in more information when listening to the stories. Children love stories and they’ll love these little Tonies!
I’m retired but if I were still teaching I would have loved to have used one of these Tonie boxes in a learning center in my classroom. I love that they have also partnered with National Geographic! I’m pretty sure this would have been a popular spot! I know my grandkids will love it at Nana’s house!